

Corn- Splatt!!!                        5-15-2k13

To my son:

it takes a day to dream away  the possibilities we could have had

or we could be sad over realizing what we both lost

a holocaust neither of us could control

a selfish evil, after a time is just what it is

A Man . A Weasel

an agenda only for him

the people suffered around him

puddling at his toes

and in the end who knows the possibilities we could have had.

We missed out,

I know it's sad

but where do we begin to rebuild the dreams we...

buried, erased

like it wasn't our place

to feel what normal people feel.

That has been the hard part on me.

To feel like I did not deserve the happiness

everyone else had, who got to watch their children grow.

Who in turn got to grow too.

Bloom, with them in wisdom and grace

the farce of laughter in your face

as you slip in your skates,

just to have a good chuckle at your age.

over how it has all  been played.